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The Mystery CAL has finished!

March 29, 2010

So the Mystery CAL is over and its a …….. Surukarta board

I’ve backed mine with felt to cover up the hideous mess on the back!!

But I’m so proud of my first piece of crotchet colour work!!!

But basically its a board for a Javanese abstract strategy game; and Wikipedia had this to say about the game.

“Traditionally, the game is played stones vs. shells, though other easily-distinguished sets of pieces may be used.

Players take turns moving one of their own pieces. In non-capturing moves, a piece travels -either along a line or diagonally- to a neighboring intersection. In a capturing move, a piece travels along a line, travelling over at least one loop, until it meets one of the opponent’s pieces. The captured piece is removed, and the capturing piece takes its place. It is illegal to go along the loop without capturing an opponents piece.

The first player to capture all of their opponent’s pieces wins.”

The rules can be found here.

The Pattern is on the Ravelry NatCroMo group page under the 2010 Mystery CAL thread

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